Monday 28 January 2008

Remind me again..

So I havent updated this for a while as ive been busy doing so many things I never thought that I would. Im really living up to my goals for 2008 and I really feel I am pushing myself to do things.

Its been a rollercoaster of emotions but I finally feel its leveling out, work is ok and although im not totally ok with some things I can at least be happy with myself for making an effort.

Its my birthday tomorrow and im turning 24, not that old but old enough! :) im going to see dirty dancing tonight and I have a meal tomorrow planned with my family, Wed night im seeing my 3 best friends at a cool mexican restaurant in Westcliff, they wear the huge hats and drink tequila with worms in, ( I don’t think we will be doing the last part!!!).

My sister Jen got engaged on top of a mountain in Canada last week! -what a cool location, im sure its one she will never forget. She seems extremely happy and has a wonderful ring and a wonderful few weeks left enjoying herself before she comes back to England.
Im happy for her and hope things are as she wants them to be.

Im also reading a great book at the moment called - "Remind me again why I need a man" Its set in Ireland and is about a woman in her late 30s going through some seriously funny events. She has to revisit all her past relationships and find out where she went wrong, but its not really about the relationships its about her friends and her ability to see through what she once saw. So far one exboyfriends is a monk, one is gay, one is in a psychiatric ward, the list goes on!! I really recommend it.
See link -

Monday 14 January 2008

Time of my life

So Ry surprised me with tickets to see Dirty Dancing!!!! I've wanted to go for ages so it was very sweet of him! Its my birthday in a few weeks and he is taking me as part of my birthday treat. I'm sure he will enjoy it as much as I will even if he pretends he doesn't... :)

Monday 7 January 2008

Thinking of you Mumma

My beautiful mumma went in for an operation today to help her hip get better and to increase her quality of life. Ive been quite worried about the idea but in the end she should be able to have so much more mobility it will be fantastic for her. Everything went ok and she is recovering well, we are looking forward to her coming home. We all love her very much and hope to make the next 6 weeks she has recovering as fun as possible. She has started knitting already so im sure she will have made something huge by the end of it!

My love and kisses go out to her, we are always thinking about you!

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Goals for 2008

Right!! Goals for 2008 are as follows, dance as well as Shakira! (never going to happen!), take a real interest in my job or at least the financial markets, it could be a good idea to read the Financial Times at least once a month?? haha does that even help? I have tried to read it I just find it so dull. Im not interested in the markets and all that stuff, maybe im in the wrong job! Oh well I can always attempt that one, im not sure I will be able to follow it into 2009. Id like to read more broadly, recently ive found myself flitting from one to another and I really want to read something with substance. I would love to learn a new language not sure a few words of spanish really count as an attempt last year.

What else are great new year goals? I dont think I have found my perfect Job, but does it exist? I have thought a travel writer could combine a few of the things i love the most? Or a cook? or a Family Lawyer, Im not sure that I would like to continue studying. Well having some ideas is always good. My family are always off doing stuff and it really expands all our minds, I want to do something crazy like jumping out of a plane. Maybe I will :)

This year id like to discover my more spirtual side, ive always been scared of being more open and real as it doesnt come naturally and thats what 2008 should be for me, the year to discover places, thoughts, adventures and activities that I dont find easy. I need a new challenge. I feel so positive for the up and coming months, even turning 24 doesnt bother me. Happy New Year!! xx

Because its funny

My favourite moments in 2007 - there have been so many! Ry moving to England on his birthday! Going up the Eiffel Tower, disovering Ryan Cabrera (thanks danny! ) cycling in Amsterdam, swimming with the fishes in the Red Sea. I loved our trip to Spain, the best bit being dashing home to get a flight to London ASAP!! Im joking, my favourite bit was learning Spanish in the Tapas bar, gigglying and slurring nos da estro?? something like that !! The second part of 2007 rushed by in such a flash, we have done so many things. Ive learnt so much about myself and what I really want in my life. Ive never been happier and im a really lucky girl..Its important to appreciate life and ive really learnt that this year. Everyday I smile and have fun with Ry! I feel so happy he moved here and I cant wait until we leave England for good!

Although its not always that clear how you feel its important to reflect and enjoy the good times to the full. Why do I enjoy my new life with Ry?? ... "Because its funny!"

Hahaha xxxx